Future You Programme

Think Differently, Feel Successful, and Positively Thrive.

Six-week online course

90 minutes a week

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed or lower in energy, or lacking the confidence to show up as you want to be?


Are you ready to find more inspiration to make positive changes in your life for the benefit of you and others around you?

Together we'll explore tools and strategies that will allow you to gain the clarity you need to move forward confidently with greater ease.

The six-week online programme is designed to make you feel more confident and in control and will help you to be calmer and more mindful wherever you are, and to have the resilience to manage change and uncertainty.

These positive attributes enable you to maintain a healthy mind and body, which in turn positively affects productivity, motivation, decision making and your ability to lead or manage in the most effective way.

Future You is the perfect opportunity to focus in on how you're feeling and focus on what's important to you. The relaxed and interactive sessions will move you forward with optimism and action.

Course Objectives



Look at your challenges from a different perspective, reframe the way you see things and change your mindset.


Grow your network of people who can support you by engaging with a small group of like-minded people (max of 10 people).


Learn and grow with tools and strategies to empower you to make the changes you desire and give you confidence to be the best version of yourself.

As you start to walk on the way, the way appears

— Rumi

Course Outcomes

How much would having the following help you achieve your professional and personal goals?


Think Differently

  • Create a deeper self-awareness as to why you feel the way you do

  • Learn how to identify and change your thoughts

  • Learn how to develop a growth mindset

  • Understand why it is important to generate energy and how to boost your motivation

  • Learn how to create and embed new positive habits in your daily life

  • Learn how to overcome the feelings of fear that may be holding you back


Feel Successful

  • Feel more confident and energised

  • Reduce imposter syndrome

  • Learn to be more courageous to take actions to build your confidence

  • Learn to talk more positively to yourself and others

  • Learn to keep calm and manage reactive emotions

  • Learn ways to manage stress and develop a better balance in your life


Positively Thrive

  • Find your own balance in a period of uncertainty and change

  • Build resilience and support others who want to shift

  • Set your positive intentions for the year and achieve what you visualise your life to be

  • Learn to trust yourself, be kind to yourself and care for yourself

Why take this course?

Take some time for yourself and let me help lift you to more positive and clearer thinking.

Create your own strong foundation to lead yourself and others in a more authentic, caring, and conscious way.

Find inspiration to keep you moving forwards with a smile.

A healthy mind and body improves resilience, confidence, motivation, productivity and supports better decision making.

Be equipped to embrace whatever life throws at you.



Based on a group of six people

What’s included? Six x 90 min group sessions + a complimentary one hour 1:1 mentoring session per person



About your mentor: Catherine Clark


Catherine is an Executive Mentor, Experienced CFO and board leader and Financial Business Coach, with a passion for supporting people and organisations to achieve their ambitions.

Catherine is passionate about sharing her experiences, knowledge, and learnings from her professional and personal growth journey to help professionals overcome (often hidden) obstacles, accelerate the advancement in their career, bring simplicity and clarity to their situations or decision making, and reach their full potential.

She strongly believes that people and their wellbeing are a key driver for long-term sustainability and success because a healthy mind and body improves resilience, confidence, motivation, productivity and supports better decision making.

Catherine is a Director and Trustee of the charity Mindapples, a charity established to help people understand and take better care of their minds and improve their mental health and wellbeing.

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